Hello there! Come one, come all.....
This is my first posting so bear with me as I gather my thoughts. I have been keeping a journal for a while now, ok, not really. I do own a journal but I don't write in it often because I forget so I figure since I am always on the computer and need an outlet for my thoughts, why not try Blogging it.
So here it goes.....I went to the gym today and did 40 min of cardio, that's it! Then my best friend and I went to Barnes & Noble to buy some books that we want to read now that we have joined Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez' "Sucia" Yahoo group. Then ofcourse we went to eat dinner, Mexican food at that! Completely defeating the purpose of our workout. I know I know, I have no will power but then again, today was day 1. Tomorrow is a new day and I will be back at the gym with no detours afterwards, I promise. I need to lose at least 30lbs by July so I need to get on the ball with my workout. Why 30 lbs? I am in a wedding this summer and the dress is very fitted therefore leaving no room for these chichos.... I am determined and will be posting my progress on here for all to see...yikes! (in code words ofcourse, porsiaca!) You never know who will read this.
My weekend was a relaxing one of sorts, kinda. On Thursday I had a huge argument with my son who is 14 yrs old. It isn't easy being a single mom at 31. Yes, I started young. Shhh....
Because of this I think I try to hard to be my sons friend and less of a parent, this is where things go wrong. I try to enforce certain rules and when they are not respected, well, I get bent out of shape. Words were exchanged, tears were shed (on both parts) and ofcourse a trip to the emergency room. Do not get me wrong or misinterpret this at all. During one of my son's tantrums he punched the wall and broke his pinky. We did not get home till 5am Friday morning. We slept about 1 hour and then got up and got ready for the day.
Therapy is in process....
Friday I go straight home after work, my son and I talk about the night before. I try to make him understand that his behavior will not be tolerated and we come to an agreement in regards to how I will handle certain situations and what is expected of him. I went to bed at about 10pm and got up Saturday at around noon. My parents came over for a bit, then I headed to Dairy Queen in NJ for some ice cream, Heath Bar Blizzard to be exact. Yummy!
My friend Rob was in town from Orlando, Fl and he was supposed to be coming over so I cam back home and waited. He showed up at around 10pm, we talked and laughed for a while and then everyone left, oh yeah, two other friends were here also. I went to bed at about 12:30am.
Got up Sunday morning and made breakfast for my son and I. Pancakes..que rico. We vegged out watching TV while I did some house cleaning then we got dressed and waited for my one of my girlfriends to come and pick us up. We went to have dinner at this Chinese Buffet on Central Ave in Yonkers then headed over to Rob's mom's house to say goodbye since him and wifey were driving back to Florida that evening. Yes, driving. I said my goodbyes and was driven back home. As I come up the stairs to my house I start getting this really bad taste in my mouth. Mind you, I had a huge headache the whole evening but trie to disregard it as a PMS headache. I ran into my house, dropped my coat on the floor and headed to the bathroom where I ended up puking...yuck!!! That is by far the worse feeling in the world. Either I had bad indigestion or I got a small case of Food poisoning. I ended up running back to the bathroom two more times after that before I actually went to bed.
Woke up at 6:30am this morning only to look in the mirror and see tiny little bloodclots all over my face due to the pressure of regurgitating.....I hate it when that happens. I had instant freckles. Geez! My work day was unproductive being that it is real slow these days. I work as an Audit Assistant so there wasn't much for me to do. Then it was off to the gym.......
Well, there you have it. A little journey into my weekend. I can get used to this, writing in here. Its like I am publishing my day, wow.
Bueno, hold on tight because you guys are in for a ride, this is just the beginning of my posts. I can't promise that the rest will be so unexciting.
I am heading to bed now, let's see what tomorrow brings.........Night, night!