Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Books, Books and more Books!

I love reading. I have books up the wazoo but I have come to realize that I have been purchasing more books than I can handle....yikes! I said to myself that I was not going to buy any more until I have read them all completely. I have like a good two months worth of reading on my dining room table. Right now I am reading "Friday Night Chicas". Its a book of 4 short stories about how Latinas spend their Friday Nights. I wish my life was as exciting as theirs are....:-(

Anywho.....I am trying to begin the introduction to the book I want to write but yet I can't decide whether or not I should write a memoir or a novel based on my life.... I guess all of us want to write a book about our lives because we feel we have gone thru stuff that others might not have and maybe we can shed some light of why we r who we r today. I emailed two different versions of my intro to my darling cousin who nows says she wants to do the editing when I finish the draft to my sweet is that. I trust her judgement so we will see.
What I really have to do is make the time to actually get some writing done. Once I start I can't seem to stop but with work and home it gets a bit tedious. I have to learn how to discipline myself and thats where I have a hard time. I have to start somewhere. As I write I will post bits and piece on here just to see if what I write makes sense to me. I don't even make sense to me

Well, a brief update on "J":
We are still dating, if you want to call it that except I have not seen him in almost two weeks. He has been busy and I have been busy and well honestly, I just don't know what to make of it. I am gonna ride it out for a little while longer and see what becomes of it.

Ok, off I go to finish the book I have now so that I can get to the pile on my for thought

Oh, Happy Birthday Bobby!!! (My bro)

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