Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wow, how time flies.

My last post was in! So much has happened, too much to explain so I will quickly list it:
1. Juan and I moved in together
2. I can proudly say I am almost done with school....two more semesters to go.
3. We went to Miami 4 times since my last post and I got to visit "La Isla del Encanto" last summer for the first time.
4. My dad got married for the 4th time.
5. Went through a huge, uncomfortable phase with my son...I am so glad we got over that hump!
6. Had two scenes in a movie that my best friend wrote.
7. Witness the birth of Sydney Tru Chapman
8. Took part in our nation's history....Voting for Barack Obama!! Our President!!
9. Got engaged to the love of my life on July 26, 2008!! Yay!
10. Dug deep in my heart to find my passion and realized it was there all along....Photography!
11. Bought my first SLR (Canon XSi) and prime lens (EF 50mm f/1.8)
12. Experienced the loss of a true icon....Michael Jackson! Your songs will forever be a part of my life!
13. Created a photo blog to document my journey with Photography.
14. Feeling grateful for making new friends and appreciating those that have always been there.

My life wouldn't be so exciting without all those people in it!! Thank you!


1 comment:

Sandy Jenete said...

I love this post :) Miami 4 times?? You go girl! Congrats!!