A few people who follow my photography blog have stumbled upon my personal blog and asked why I have not written. My answer, I don't know. It isn't because I don't have much to say and it isn't that I no longer care to express myself but I simply don't know, I just haven't made the effort.
My last post was July 11,2009 and since then, here is what has transcended:
1. I became a Brooklynite! We moved to Bayridge in November! I absolutely love it and the commute to work is easier.
2. I am still trying to finish school...geez! Why is it taking so long you ask? Well because I can't seem to pass the freaking Math test that is required in order for me to take the last 2 classes!! Argghh!!!
3. We went to Miami again in October and Punta Cana in April. Going to Miami again in 3 weeks. Yes, I love Miami, you think?
4. Have admitted to the fact that I am a reality TV junkie! I love RHONJ, Jersey Shore and all shows Bridal!
5. We finally picked a date and a venue for our Wedding!
6. I upgraded my camera to a Canon 7D and I am in love!!
7. I have been blessed by the photography bookings I have had so far.
8. Although I have neglected this blog, unintentionally of course, I have been updating my photography blog regularly.
9. My son and his beautiful girlfriend have announced that their bundle of joy will be here Nov 19th, therefore making me a G-Ma! Yikes!!
10. I shot my first wedding!
11. Reunited with an old friend and quickly realized that sometimes your past should remain there.
12. Became the proud owner of a Crackberry :-)
Well, so far that is all and it probably sounds like I am rambling on...lol but writing is my outlet and I can honestly say that it has saved me a few times from making crazy decisions because it allows me to see what I am thinking. I don't want to break another promise by stating that I will "promise" to write here everyday, but I can assure you that I will make every effort to do so.
I want to thank everyone who has followed this blog and who currently follows my photoblog. Without you and your kind comments, I wouldn't have the courage to continue. To know that my voice is being heard makes it that much more meaningful!
Cyber hugs to all!!